May 2012 Part 2

The water pump worked a treat and the cesspit was emptied within 3 hours. Before we packed the pump away it was flushed through with bleach water and the pipework was also washed down.

Still a lot of “sludge” left in the bottom of the cesspit, need to wait for it to dry out and then we can dig it out – we can put it in the composter with the hay !

In the old wash room the washer-fire was broken up and removed, a start was made on removing the plaster from the walls. This was hard going as it is embedded in a “rock” wall.

We also managed to remove the partition wall in the front room and clear out all the rubbish.
We now have a very large front room, we are going to move the “kitchen” and bedding down to this room so we can concentrate on clearing out the rest of the house (top down).

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